Download Custom Rom Apollo OS android 14 Xiaomi redmi note 10 pro Sweet.
- Merged with February Security Patches
- Pif Improvements
- Pulse
- Custom Monet
- Rooted debugging via ADB
- Alert Slider for Oneplus Devices
- Bluetooth Dialog on QS
- Launcher fixes and refreshes
- Seperated Wifi and Cellular Tiles
- More Screenrecord options like HEVC etc….
- Statusbar Icon Manager
- Bring Back of Netflix Spoof
- UDFPS Animations
- Brand new QS impl
- Nuke A11 QS
- Split Shade on Landscape
- Preferred Network Tile
- Haptics on brightness and volume sliders
- Lockscreen Rotation
- Settings Redesign
- Smart 5G
- Vibration Patterns
- Multi-SIM Ringtones
- In-Call Vibrations
- Ambient instead of fully waking
- Hide ADB And Dev Status to Apps
- Colored Notif Icons
- Notification Counters
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