Download Custom Rom Derpfest android 14 Xiaomi redmi note 7 Lavender
Device Changelog
- If you have any issue please tag me in my group
- I will try to fix it in next month’s update or hotfix
- Use Latest Gcam, if Older Versions are crashing
- Use Minimal Gapps for Vanilla Builds like Nik Core
Device Changelog - 02/01/24
- Added Mi Sound Enhancer aka Dirac
- Nuked unused Powerhint json
- Nuked Hmp related cmdline flags
- props: Add missing vendor properties
- prop: force Enable latch_unsignaled
- overlay: Disable wallpaper zooming
- overlay: Offload WM shell to another thread
- Register android.hardware.keymaster
- disable Window animation/transition scale
- Remove pro audio capability
- Disable intrusive google service components
- Build sensorservice HAL
- props: Lower background apps limit
- powerhint: nuke GPU MaxFreq
- Build
- nuke Ifaa/mliplay/soter completely
- rootdir: Mount tracefs/debugfs
- nuke ( byebye L1 )
- Revert “Stop shipping 32-bit Zygote”
- Fixed Netflix (OTT) and Mlbb not working
Device Changelog - 04/12/23 :-
- fstab: Drop AvB completely
- update libstdc++ for Android U
- Stop shipping 32-bit Zygote
- Treat retrofit devices as launching
- update partition size for Android U
- Switch default display color mode to Saturated
- remove vendor.qti.gnss 1.2, 2.0 from manifest
- kernel: Panic to recovery, not bootloader
- Switch to Wifi service AIDL
- Build android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0.vendor
- Disable sparse image build on all type of fs
- powerhint: Nuke GPUIdleTimer
- Setup permission for powerHAL
- Remove cpuset foreground boost
- compatibility_matrix: update target level to 4
- fingerprint: use libhidlbase-v32 for goodix
- Enable Optimized Power Management
- Rename property to disable MTE in system_server
- prop: Enable apk fs-verity
- Use FUSE passthrough mode by default
- fine tune performance.xml
- gps: Fix misleading indentation
- Ship with prebuilt libprotobuf-cpp-*-3.9.1
- Read Installation Carefully
- February Security Patch
- Thanks WhoEmi for base trees
- Thanks alot to Ayush for Testing