Download Custom Rom Evolutionx android 14 poco f1 official beryllium.
- Ship Circle to Search functionality and enable by default
- Ship prebuilt gemini assistant
- Add wifi standard icon
- Allow multi ringtone for different sims
- Allow to enable flashlight blink on incoming calls
- Fix data switch tile
- Ringtone picker to handle RESULT_CANCELED from Add ringtone
- PixelPropsUtils: Spoof realme link
- Revert “Add some fwb stubs from Oplus”
- Settings: Fix total RAM calculation
- [SQUASH] PixelPropsUtils: Various changes
- Fix uninstall for all users
- Choose the kernel on-preference.
- Use non-dynamic OrangeFox Recovery.
- Dirty flash or OTA from previous builds is fine
- Pixel launcher by default (Click if you wish to install Evo Launcher).
- MiuiCamera is included
- Dolby Atmos is included
- Flash if you face media stuck.
- Thanks a lot to @tbf93 @BaBa6130 @HeshamElgazzaz @Legendleo90 @Souma785101 For Testing multiple builds