Download Custom ROM Matrixx Android 14 POCO X3 NFC Surya
- Synced with latest source
- May Security Patch
- Nuked Leica Camera
- Nuked Live Display
- Fix PowerOff Alarm
- Added OnePlus Dolby
- Added Prebuilt GCam GO
- Remove Unnecessary NFC Packages
- Optimization for Spatial Audio
- Removed smooth display from settings
- Nuked Dirac From XiaomiParts [We Now Have Dolby]
- Enable video pause workaround for video calling
- Set fast charging indicator threshold to 10.8W
- Enabled Turbo Charging With OEM Charger
- Arise Note R2 as default kernel [KernelSU Included]
- Include FW, Gapps, & Leica
- Clean flash always recomended, but you can try dirty From previous build