Download Custom Rom Superior Extended android 14 for poco f5 Marble.
- Fixed sms/otp not receiving issue
- Fixed ott apps crash and now Widevine is back to L1
- Improved Auto Brightness
- Set Brightness slider curve Implementation (Enjoy higher brightness at lower slider positions)
- Upstreamed Evenstar Non ksu kernel to 5.10.211
- Updated BCR to latest 1.61
- Ships with Improved Moto Dolby and Dirac instead of parts Dolby and ViperFX
- Added overlay for Turbo Power Charging
- Enable Advanced SF Phase Offsets (Improved app open/close animation and reduces janks)
- Optimized Dex flags (faster boot)
- Removed Force triple frame buffers (Reduces app lags & improves UI performance)
- Nuked Per-app Refresh Rate for now (Buggy after update to Hyperos Blobs)
- Moved Fuse Passthrough prop to product.prop from system.prop as per latest android change
- Fixed Battery Drain due to statsd
- Based on February Security Patch
- Fixed sms and ott apps crash issue with Widevine back to L1
- Ships with New Oneplus style QS
- Ships with Moto Dolby and Dirac Sound
- Those on SuperiorExtended that released on 18.02.24 can do OTA Update or dirty flash, for others clean flash is MUST
- Based on HyperOS firmware
- @Saikiran008 forĀ base trees
- @No_912 team for Evenstar Kernel
- @Petrei50 & @Abhinaba_Sarkar for testing
By @kssrao13882
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