Download Custom Rom Project Derpfest android 14 OnePlus 8 Pro instantnoodlep
- It is required to sideload ROM from recovery
- This will only be necessary this one time, local updater should work as usual after.
Security & Fixes
- Play Integrity fixed! - Now passes basic & device integrity due to signed build.
- Further debloat - (such as Accord app removed).
Features & Customization
- Viper4Android included by default! (no root required).
- If you have Viper installed, remove it, delete app & data and reboot once before flashing.
- Battery Saver in Settings is broken at the moment unfortunately, but can still be enabled from QuickSettings tile.
Special Thanks
- HELLBOY017 for Meteoric Kernel
- Chris Chen for OOS CAM!
- Fellow DerpFest Maintainer @selfmuser for helping to ship viper - check out his stuff!
- All my testers
- My core team - guys, you are truly the best! 😌