Download Custom Rom Project Matrixx OS android 14 Xiaomi redmi note 7 Lavender
- device: Use common libqti-perfd-client and power-libperfmgr;
- device: qcom-caf: media: mm-video-v4l2: Disable OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DECODEONLY support;
- device: Disable the usage of ConfigStore;
- device: Set manifest target-level to 5;
- device: Inherit from QTI and common Xiaomi FCMs;
- device: Include lineage FCM;
- device: Build missing libraries for 14 QPR3;
- device: Reverted “Set block_binder_thread_on_incoming_calls in product.prop”;
- device: Move to new RFS install_symlink targets;
- device: Declare IMS and EGL libs as symlinks during extraction;
- device: Convert WiFi firmware symlinks to install_symlink targets;
- device: Don’t chown DT2W node;
- device: rootdir: Tune LMK;
- device: Enable the backward-compatible memory reduction option;
- device: Import device_framework_matrix from lineage;
- device: media: Remove software omx codec references;
- device: media: Use AOSP default Codec2/OMX ranks;
- device: media: Set higher priority to c2 than OMX;
- device: media: Remove software OMX blobs;
- device: media: Remove media_codecs_google_c2*;
- device: rro_overlays: Drop explicit ‘sdk_version’ declaration;
- device: Remove vendor RenderScript implementation;
- device: rootdir: Tune our cpuset setup;
- device: Rename property to disable MTE in system_server;
- device: powerhint: Tune powerhint (again!);
- device: powerhint: Add DT2W;
- device: Bring back renderer properties;
- device: Tweak surfaceflinger work durations;
- device: qcom-caf: audio: Fix compilation due to compiler changes.