Download Custom Rom Yaap android 14 Xiaomi redmi note 9 pro miatol.
- Merged r55 AOSP tag (AKA Aug SPL).
- Made landscape battery style thicker, adjust font, color handling and more.
- Fixed landscape battery style invisible fill in some icon packs.
- Fixed circle battery style not showing properly in the chip.
- Fixed network traffic stats log spam
- Refactored the hell out of battery styles code.
- Gaming Macro: Retain state across reboots / power losses.
- Gaming Macro: Better handle deactivating and some edge cases.
- Gaming Macro: Better notification with click action and a stop button.
- Improved first boot time.
- Implemented long press nav bar to search gesture ( circle to search alternative)
- Updated APNs from LOS.
- Spoof a new fingerprint to pass PI
- Some other small changes
- Dirty flash is fine