Busybox NDK Android By osm0sis

This article explores building Busybox, a swiss army knife of utilities, for the Android platform using the Android NDK (Native Development Kit). The information is based on the work of osm0sis, who has documented the process and provided patches for compatibility.

What is Busybox?

Busybox is a powerful collection of Unix-like utilities bundled into a single executable. It’s lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for embedded systems with limited resources.

Why Busybox on Android?

While Android has a robust set of libraries, Busybox offers a smaller alternative for specific use cases. It can be beneficial for:

Building Busybox with Android NDK

The steps outlined here leverage the resources provided by osm0sis on GitHub https://github.com/topjohnwu/ndk-busybox.



  1. Clone Busybox source:

    git clone git://busybox.net/busybox.git
    cd busybox
  2. Configure for Android NDK:

    cp configs/android_ndk_defconfig .config
  3. Set up toolchain path:

    • Update the following commands with the actual path to your NDK installation:
    export PATH="/path/to/your/android-ndk/android-ndk-rXX/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-XX/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH"
    export CROSS_COMPILE="/path/to/your/android-ndk/android-ndk-rXX/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-XX/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-"
    • Replace rXX with your NDK version (e.g., r15c) and XX with the compiler version (e.g., 4.9).
  4. Optional: Customize applets (utilities):

    • Use make menuconfig to enable/disable specific Busybox applets.
  5. Build Busybox:


Note: Refer to the original GitHub repository for detailed explanations and potential troubleshooting steps.


Building Busybox with the Android NDK allows you to leverage its functionality within your Android environment. By following the steps outlined above and consulting osm0sis’s work, you can achieve a successful build and explore the possibilities Busybox offers on Android.


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